esmaspäev, 28. juuni 2010

PANIC!!! Lost my phone charger!

Pretty much broke... and just before my trip to Belgium and Holland! It's not like I've been spending a lot, only a bit at the time. It's just that there have been so many of those times :D Now was summer soltice celebration (and it actually wasn't raining!!!) which we spent in my countryside after all. Four nights and 10 people, we definitely spent something, but much less than I had expected in the first place, thanks to the two boxes of extremely cheap beer that Jarko had got for us. Before that was the weekend and on Friday we went out with Enni and our new Finnish friends. First we had our private party with Merka and Karin in Hirve and then in another park with Old Tallinn cream and milk and then moved on to Enni's appartment. We wanted to show them some bars we go to ourselves and also wanted them to experience some cultural shock so we took them to Vallibaar to try 'Millimallikas' ('Medusa' in translation, for Cindy and Iva and some others from Villa Lucchese). First thing we saw when we got in was a guy puking and then touching what had came out with both his fingers and his tongue. Miraculously we still managed to convince them to try the drink and while we where waiting a man was playing accordion and the whole bar was singing 'Pärlipüüdja' () with Karin leading :D Enough of cultural shock, we thought and finished in Karjakelder. Next day we went to Karin's graduation, gave her the flowers and hitched to her place where we spent the whole day until she had to go to her grad party. I had just got home when she called me and said she's picking me up with a taxi and we're going out. We told Merka to come too and finally she took the last, 00.30 bus to town and met us in Juuksur, where we had a warm drink. She then revieled a little bottle of rum that she had with her which we drank in a well-known drinking place nearby. We then moved to Karjakelder again, but we're not going there for another 15 years for sure! A drunkard was sleeping at the table next to us and his friend soon moved to our table to talk to us, imitate our laughter and constantly intrude into my personal space. We also heard people imitating our laughter from the other end of the bar at least three times and a woman was yelling at us from the opposite table to shut the f*ck up, but in a less polite way. The last actually secretely made me feel great, because it felt so good to be the happy and not the bitter one. Nevertheless, we escaped as soon as we finished our drinks. The thing was, we weren't drunk at all, just happy, and I thought I just can't wait to get to Tartu where there are so many happy young people. As I told to Paula at least 100 times: can't wait for September! We met a random guy from Shanghai who we also took to vallibaar and he gave us presents from China. Then we moved on and after B-52 in Nimeta we got out of the bar and it was light. Such a party-killer!! But we still kept meeting random people and moved from place to place. Levikas, Hess, CoffeeIn and first bus/trolley/minivan home and got to sleep at 7. Pretty much the same every day in my countryside too, but we got to go out on the lake with our water-wheel at 4-5 in the morning and enjoy the complitely calm lake and the song of early birds. Now I want to go and meet Britta, she's back in Estonia :)

neljapäev, 17. juuni 2010

Should I write about my graduation?? Post some pictures??

Tuesday is my drinking day... or night, whatever you prefer.Yesterday was excactly a week from when I showed up at home in the middle of the night in quite an embarassing state. It's been a few years now since I have unintentionally made faces every time someone mentions rum, but that time I could not say no, it was a night of remembering the Old Times (and yes, I did just write it with capital letter, all grown-up and nostalgic as I am). I still don't know how my friend got to work the next day... This then was another week from the time when Cindy was still here and I took her out to a little sitting with beer and friends and which I still think might have been a bit weird for her, taking into consideration where this little meeting happened. However, I don't think there is actually much I can do to make Cindy think I'm any weirder that she already believes me to be :D Then yesterday was another one of those Tuesdays. Hanna got to Tln and was more than ready for a little drinking in a public place followed by a pub-tour and some beer. Ironically, a week before, while drinking the 'nice' rum, we had been discussing about the Estonians who desperately run after every foreigner in clubs and bars and this time, yesterday, I already had to see some of those people. I wasn't sure if I should be happy that an American was having fun in Estonia or I should be embarassed that those girls with him were Estonian. I don't know if our conversation was any better, but yelling your great (or well...) phylosophical (??) discussion about being friends with your ex all over the bar was not the most intelligent or charming thing I had ever heard. Or a reason to let a hideous half grey-haired (at least English-speaking) tourist have his hands all over you. The night ended well however with a hamburger on the main square (couldn't have been anything more typical).

Now I don't know if I should cry or accept the facts, but weather forecast said that there is more chance for a dry day on 23rd than for a warm day. Who doesn't know - on 23rd it always rains! During my lifetime I don't remember a singe year when it didn't and neither does my grandma. I'm not so sure how well it is with her memory though, but you get the point.. Still, at the moment it seems we'll spend that day in my country-side with a few friends, but I'll see how that works out. Still haven't been good and responsible enough to find a host for Amsterdam, wash the coridor and switch on the dish washer. I'm living just with my dad now for a while and the way we distribute the work is well, if nothing else then just random.

teisipäev, 15. juuni 2010

Sufferings of a devoted fan

Sunday afternoon I finally got to Tallinn and had access to TV and football! This was after a few days of a kind of a working and holiday camp with my parents and family friends couple hundred of kilometers from here, always surrounded by mean mosquitos and a Duino-winter-like weather - awful wind (saw quite a lot of tree trunks lying in the middle of the road on my way back), raining every once in a while and air temperature some 10-15 degrees. I walked in the wavy lake (that looks like sea though) a couple of times, just because the water seemed warmer than air. And I'm still not sure if I've got used to the bright sky in the middle of the night. Every time I decided to go to sleep, around 12 (the work and keeping an eye on my brother was quite tiresome), I walked back to my house and felt like it's early morning and it's already time to wake up.I even read with the light coming from outside around midnight and and didn't see the need of switching on the light.
Now I'm making some arrangements for the time I'll spend in Amsterdam soon, and when not watching football, I'm complitely preoccupied with reading about European policies, biodiversity analyses and UN directives. Luckily, I enjoy it, however awful that might sound.

I have had some problems with deciding on whose side to be on with some games. Still, ususally it's simple, like last game yesterday, of course, Italy and right now, Slovakia-New Zealand it is obviously my roommate's homeland - NZ. And of course Slovakia scored exactly when I was typing 'NZ'. Damn.

kolmapäev, 9. juuni 2010

Thoughts of Venice in the night

Just something I wrote during my last day in Italy

Even though it was the full moon, it appeared as a little dot in the sky so pale compared to the warm light coming from the hundred lit windows of the Venezian houses. I was moving along the canal towards San Marco, the warm air softly touching my skin and meanwhile I watched dining people holding up their feet as the water rose and submerged the ground under their chairs and tables. A single star appeared. Dark siluettes with even darker gondolas quietly slided past me as if driven by magic. The magic of Venice.
We arrived to San Marco and saw other people dining and some playing classical music for them. Claping everywhere and water everywhere. We took off our shoes and sloshed through the water across the piazza and enjoyed the dirty water almost reaching our knees. That night I could not help thinking that this city of labyrinths is sinking and in a way this was true. As long as I don’t know when I am going back, Venice will have to sink to the bottom of the vast pond of my memories – a safe place where I can always dive into and find it.
The good bye was gentle and calm, no tears. Not like Duino over the previous few days when every hug or word could make me cry. It was hard, but I can only be happy – there is something that letting go of hurts so much and I can only be thankful for the people who have made it all worth it. I know I have been very lucky. I feel lucky.

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